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Group Class Descriptions

Below is the description of the group classes that we offer at Beyond Elevation. We offer a variety of dog sport classes to family dog manners. 


If you would like to speak with a trainer you can send us a message at


If you need to uplaod your vaccines for a class or lesson follow the link below.

Control Unleashed

Control Unleashed

The Control Unleashed program is a versatile program based on the books and DVDs by Leslie McDevitt. Originally designed to help agility dogs learn how to relax, focus, and work reliably off-leash, CU uses “conversational” training to build a solid foundation of life skills.

These classes will focus on foundational behaviors and pattern games to strengthen communication and coping skills for everyday life and in the sports ring. The foundation behaviors will give your dog a repertoire of socially-acceptable methods of engaging with you, the environment and other people or dogs. CU pattern games help your dog translate unfamiliar or overstimulating environments into a familiar, predictable framework that allows them to process the environment while remaining engaged and able to focus.




Level 1
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We go beyond the basics in this 4 week class, teaching your dog focus and self-control even in the face of distractions in a small and comfortable group setting. We will be using the predictability of pattern games to help build confidence and open the line of communication between you and your dog with confidence and understanding.
Control Unleashed is perfect for dogs who:
  • Bark and lunge on leash
  • Struggle to focus in busy/distracting environments
  • Ignore you the second the leash is off
  • Are nervous or reactive around new dogs or people
  • Are easily excited, anxious, or stressed
  • Lack impulse control (door-dashing, demand barking, jumping, etc.)​



Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $180

Duration: 4 Weeks

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Reactive to Relaxed

Level 2
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This 4 week class is a continuation of the foundational skills learned in Control Unleashed Foundations group class. We will be able to apply the foundational skills learned in the previous class to slightly more challenging situations, but still have the comfort of a controlled environment. Learn how to turn stress to confidence and distraction to focus.


Control Unleashed Foundations

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $180

Duration: 4 Weeks

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Focused & Confident

Level 3
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Pattern games provide a repetitive, predictable framework of cues and behaviors that help the learner process the environment by weaving the unexpected into the safety net of the expected.
In this 4 week group class we get to take those new found skills and confidence on the road! This may include navigating public settings, attending a non-CU class, or competing in a particular dog sport. You will learn how to set your dog up for success in a variety of environments.​



Control Unleashed Focused & Confident

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $180

Duration: 4 Weeks

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Sports & Life

Level 4
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This 4 week class we will be able to start applying your Control Unleashed skills into environments that have ever increasing levels of distractions. Ideal for dogs who are planning to participate in dog sports or are having trouble in their current dog sport.
We will help you analyze the elements of difficulty in the current situation and apply the CU principles to create a clear line of communication to your dog through the power of patterns. As we learn to assess your dogs emotional state and adjust the training and environment according, we will be applying all of these concepts into dog sport environment and training.


  • The Arrival Skill Set 

  • The Sudden Change Skill Set 

  • The Sports Skill Set 



Control Unleashed Focused & Confident

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $180

Duration: 4 Weeks

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K9 Nose Work

K9 Nose Work

K9 Nose Work is an activity where we can harness the power of the dogs nose to create a fun and enriching activity for both dog and owner. Dogs love to use their nose and they have a strong desire to hunt in their everyday life, this game allows you to take that love and focus it into a fun activity that can be done anywhere and together! It’s perfect for just about any dog – young, old, fast, slow, rambunctious or shy, hearing or deaf dogs, visually impaired dogs, and even reactive/environmentally sensitive dogs.


Taught by Certified Nose Work Instructor (CNWI) Victoria Kander, these classes will use the proven methodologies developed by the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW), the developers and leaders of this exciting sport.  Your dogs will love the reward-based activity, as well as the opportunity to do what comes naturally to them, be the leaders of the searches, solve problems, and develop organically at their own pace. Your dogs will build the critical foundations skills needed to thrive doing nose work for fun and enrichment or for competition.

Intro to Nose Work

Level 1
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In this 6 week class we will focus on teaching you how to encourage and develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food, and exercise. We will focus on two elements in K9 Nose Work©, Containers and Interiors. It’s a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy. This class introduces the concept of the game, builds handler observation skills and timing using boxes and a ‘hidden’ treat in an inside low distraction environment. You and your dog work in the space one team at a time, allowing your dog to focus and learn with minimal distractions.




Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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Intro to Vehicles & Exteriors

Level 2
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This 6 week class we will focus on the last two of the elements of K9 Nose Work©, Vehicle and Exterior searches.  A higher level of environmental distractions is introduced with vehicle and exterior searches, keeping the challenge of the hunt always exciting for you and your dog.  These classes will continue to develop your handler skills in leash management, understanding your dog’s ‘hunting’ body language and the effects of ever-changing environments on a search.



Intro to Nose Work

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks


Intro to Odor

Level 3
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This 6-week course focuses on introducing the odor Birch, Anise and Clove with exercises on building odor obedience in all four elements - interiors, exteriors, vehicles, and containers. You will continue to develop your skills as a handler and in sharing with your dog the excitement of more challenging hunts with more complex searches.



Intro to Vehicles & Exteriors

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks


Continuing Nose Work

Level 4
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This class will continue to develop handler skills and focuses on all of the elements of K9 Nose Work®, container, interior, exterior and vehicle searches. Each week of the month will target a specific element in K9 Nose Work so that you and your dog get a well rounded training. Focus on teamwork and supporting your dog during the search are emphasized. 
This is an ongoing nose work class for those people who want to build on the nose work skills started in the foundation classes, for fun and for competition. Search puzzles will be set up by the class coordinator and coaching will be available if needed. Field trips in the local area to give you exposure to new searching environments will be included.  


Intro to Odor

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $35 per class

Duration: Drop-in

Dog Agility

Dog Agility

Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy. Dogs run off leash with no food or toys as incentives, and the handler can touch neither dog nor obstacles. The handler's controls are limited to voice, movement, and various body signals, requiring exceptional training of the animal and coordination of the handler. An agility course consists of a set of standard obstacles laid out by a judge in a design of his or her own choosing in an area of a specified size. The surface may be of grass, dirt, rubber, or special matting. Depending on the type of competition, the obstacles may be marked with numbers indicating the order in which they must be completed.

Intro to Agility Flatwork

Level 1
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In this 6 week class we will start with the foundational flatwork skills required to start your agility training and find success in it. These flatwork skills are the groundwork needed before you can get to complex handling skills. We teach the dog the components that they will be responsible for and we also teach you the components that you are responsible for on the field. Agility is a game with two participants that are working together but also independently and to be successful we must break down each one. There can only be one learner at the same time, either the dogs skills or the handlers skills.
This class focuses on skills on the flat before adding the additional elements of equipment performance.




Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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Intro to Agility Handling

Level 2
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This 6 week class is a continuation of the flatwork class. In this class all of the handling mechanics you learned on the flat in the previous class will now meet pre-agility obstacles. 
This class will focus on foundation agility handling: the art of moving between the obstacles and around the course with safety and efficiency. Using the flatwork skills and jumps/tunnels, we’ll cover front crosses, rear crosses, blind crosses, serpentines, threadles, forward and lateral sends, lead out pushes, and so much more! â€‹



Intro to Agility Flatwork

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks


Beginning Sequencing

Level 3
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This 4 week class we will focus on combining all of our handling skills to multiple obstacles in a row. Using our training in handling maneuvers and verbal skills to create a flow of understanding and movement from you to your dog. Speed and challenge will also start to be added into the picture to create more confidence in the team. 



Intro to Agility Handling

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $180

Duration: 4 Weeks

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Contacts & Weaves

Level 4
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This 6 week class we will start to learn the foundational skills required to train contacts and weave pole training. Now that you have the foundations of agility we can apply those skills to training our dogs for 2 on 2 off contacts, running contacts, teeter training, weave poles and other non-traditional obstacles like table, hoop jump and wall jump. Each week we will target each obstacle in a layered learning concept where we start with the foundations of the obstacle and layer the learning upon itself. Contact training does take continuous training even after the class has completed.​
Each dog can work at their own pace for each obstacle and repeat the class until they are confident in their contact and weave skills.



Intro to Agility Handling

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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Level 5
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This ongoing drop-in class for agility students allows each team to come and practice full sequencing skills on an ever changing course. You will work on walking a course and choosing the best line for your run, putting the pieces of a course together and get to add speed to your agility runs. Learning the different approaches, landing, handling combinations, verbal cues and flow to create the best team you can be on the field. This class allows you to start prepping for your competitions.




Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $30 per class

Duration: Drop-in

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Treibball (Urban Herding)

Treibball is a positive-reinforcement, competitive dog sport which originated in Germany and entered sanctioned competition in 2008. The dog must gather and drive large exercise balls into a soccer goal. Eight balls of approximately 45–75 cm are set in a triangle formation, similar to billiards, with the point ball farthest from the goal. The object of the game is to get all eight balls into a confined space the size of a soccer goal within a set time period, usually about 15 minutes. The handler may not move outside of an area that contains the left half of and several feet beyond the goal area. 

Intro to Treibball

Level 1
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Treibball (pronounced “Try-ball” and also known as “Drive Ball”), is a terrific new way to play with your dog. The game consists of “herding” a number of large inflatable exercise balls into a soccer-like net. It’s great for many dog breeds, and any other dogs who just like to chase things.



Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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Intermediate Treibball

Level 2
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This is our level 2 Treibball class, it is a 6 week class where we introduce the ball into the skills we have built in our Intro to Treibball class. We advance our skills by adding more distance, confidence and understanding as we start to piece together the picture of Treibball.




Intro to Treibball

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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Advanced Treibball

Level 3
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This 6 week class is the third level of our Treibball series. In this class we take the foundations and introduction to pushing and start to put everything together into one. Now we have the ball rolling!



Intermediate Treibball

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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Keep the Ball Rolling

Level 4
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The final stop in our Treibball series. This is a drop-in class where you can do full runs of Treibball that will mimic real life Treibball competition scenarios. You can work at any level you are at and strengthen your skills to climb the Treibball ranks.



Advanced Treibball

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $35 per class

Duration: Drop-in

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Flyball is a dog sport in which teams of dogs race against each other from the start to the finish line, over a line of hurdles, to a box that releases a tennis ball to be caught when the dog presses the spring-loaded pad, then back to their handlers while carrying the ball. Flyball is run in teams of four dogs, as a relay.

Intro to Flyball

Level 1
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The most important thing in flyball training is laying a good foundation from which to build upon. Spend the time playing and motivating your dog. This class will work on the foundations, such as targeting, drive to ball, tug recalls and more, so you have a successful flyball career.



Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks


Flyball Practice

Level 3
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This drop-in class allows you to bring your foundation skills and apply them into full runs and adding team members into your runs. This is when you continue to strengthen the components of your run as well.



Intermediate Flyball

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $30 per class

Duration: Drop-in



Barn Hunt is a relatively new dog sport where straw bales are set up in a course. Hidden in the straw bales are canisters similar to what you’d use at a drive-through bank. One or more of the canisters contain a live rat! It’s your dog’s job to sniff out that rat and tell you where it is. Although barn hunt is all about your dog finding the hidden rats, you never see or touch the rats themselves. They’re safely tucked away in the tubes for the whole event. Their safety and wellbeing are important to everyone at the event. Basically, no rats are harmed during this sport!


Instinct/Novice Barnhunt

Level 1
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Our Instinct and Novice Barnhunt class is for dogs and their handler who are just starting to explore the sport of Barn Hunt and would like to learn how to play or would like to strengthen novice skills. We discuss basic concepts, rules and skills needed for the novice trial level. We will work each dog individually and build on the desire to hunt.



Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $40 per class

Duration: Drop-in 


Novice to Senior Barnhunt

Level 2
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Our Novice to Senior Barnhunt class is for dogs and their handler who are now working toward for their titles. We start to introduce multiple hide locations and more difficult scent pictures. We will work each dog individually and build on the desire to hunt with more odor and more complicated courses.



Instinct/Novice Barnhunt

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $40 per class

Duration: Drop-in


Master Barnhunt

Level 3
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Our Master Barnhunt class is for dogs and their handler who are now working toward their master and champion titles. In this class we introduce the concept of unknown # of hide locations. We also continue to increase the level of difficulty in odor pictures and course set-up. We will work each dog individually and build on the desire to hunt.



Open/Senior Barnhunt

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $40 per class

Duration: Drop-in 

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