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Dog Agility



Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy. Dogs run off leash with no food or toys as incentives, and the handler can touch neither dog nor obstacles. The handler's controls are limited to voice, movement, and various body signals, requiring exceptional training of the animal and coordination of the handler. An agility course consists of a set of standard obstacles laid out by a judge in a design of his or her own choosing in an area of a specified size. The surface may be of grass, dirt, rubber, or special matting. Depending on the type of competition, the obstacles may be marked with numbers indicating the order in which they must be completed.

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Intro to Agility Flatwork

Level 1


In this 6 week class we will start with the foundational flatwork skills required to start your agility training and find success in it. These flatwork skills are the groundwork needed before you can get to complex handling skills. We teach the dog the components that they will be responsible for and we also teach you the components that you are responsible for on the field. Agility is a game with two participants that are working together but also independently and to be successful we must break down each one. There can only be one learner at the same time, either the dogs skills or the handlers skills.
This class focuses on skills on the flat before adding the additional elements of equipment performance.



Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks


Intro to Agility Handling

Level 2


This 6 week class is a continuation of the flatwork class. In this class all of the handling mechanics you learned on the flat in the previous class will now meet pre-agility obstacles. 
This class will focus on foundation agility handling: the art of moving between the obstacles and around the course with safety and efficiency. Using the flatwork skills and jumps/tunnels, we’ll cover front crosses, rear crosses, blind crosses, serpentines, threadles, forward and lateral sends, lead out pushes, and so much more!



Intro to Agility Flatwork

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks



Beyond Foundations

Level 3


This 4 week class we will focus on combining all of our handling skills to multiple obstacles in a row. Using our training in handling maneuvers and verbal skills to create a flow of understanding and movement from you to your dog. Speed and challenge will also start to be added into the picture to create more confidence in the team. 



Intro to Agility Handling

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks


Sequencing & Skills

Level 4


This ongoing drop-in class for agility students allows each team to come and practice full sequencing skills on an ever changing course. You will work on walking a course and choosing the best line for your run, putting the pieces of a course together and get to add speed to your agility runs. Learning the different approaches, landing, handling combinations, verbal cues and flow to create the best team you can be on the field. This class allows you to start prepping for your competitions.



Beyond Foundations

Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $35

Duration: Drop-in


Contacts & Weaves

Level 1-2


This 6 week class we will start to learn the foundational skills required to train contacts and weave pole training. Now that you have the foundations of agility we can apply those skills to training our dogs for 2 on 2 off contacts, running contacts, teeter training, weave poles and other non-traditional obstacles like table, hoop jump and wall jump. Each week we will target each obstacle in a layered learning concept where we start with the foundations of the obstacle and layer the learning upon itself. Contact training does take continuous training even after the class has completed.​
Each dog can work at their own pace for each obstacle and repeat the class until they are confident in their contact and weave skills.



Vaccines/Titers (Rabies, Distemper and Parvo)

Price: $200

Duration: 6 Weeks

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